Organic Clove Bud (Eugenia caryophyllata) Essential Oil
Clove Bud oil has long been used & known as a painkiller (especially for nerve pain as in toothache) and as a powerful anti-bacterial agent (traditionally one of the ingredients in the famous ‘thieves oil’).
Very effective against airborne bacteria, it is often chosen by animals alongside garlic oil. Clove bud oil inhibits bacteria from binding to glucose, thereby starving it of nutrients whilst garlic oil prevents bacteria from making proteins – a natural ‘double-whammy’! These two oils in combination are almost always chosen by animals with pneumonia and other acute & chronic respiratory infections (equine flu, cat flu, bronchitis, lungworm) as well as often being selected for abscesses and puncture wounds.
Clove bud also has an anti-parasitic effect and is said to be the only agent to kill parasite eggs; it is a constituent of the very popular Four Seasons Anti-Parasitic.
Clove bud essential oil is also often chosen in combination with melissa essential oil for viral infections.
NB: Clove bud oil can be irritant but is apparently safe when offered in a bucket of water (approx 20 drops to 5 litres of water).