Links to websites, blogs, articles connected to Applied Zoopharmacognosy, Animal Self Healing, Animal Aromatherapy, Self-Medication & Related Natural Therapies
Animal Self Healing on FaceBook
The Budwig Protocol – Essential Oils in the fight against cancer
Whispering Earth – really informative website of Lucinda Warner – Herbalist, naturopath and nature lover – with all kinds of recipes using herbs, stunning photos & lots more
Woodland Trust – Guide to Responsible Foraging – if you are collecting from the wild for yourself and/or your animals, please do it responsibly
Flower Harmony shares the beautiful energy of flowers and the positive and supportive messages that they give
Caroline Ingraham’s interview on BBC Radio 4 recorded at the Hay Festival 2015, explaining why we should give animals choices
The Ingraham Academy website of Caroline Ingraham, founder of Applied Zoopharmacognosy
Buy Dried Herbs, Macerated (Infused) Oils, Distilled Aromatic Waters & Essential Oils (many organic products) – Applied Zoopharmacognosy Supplies online offering 15% discount for AZ students / practitioners

Yarrow is an extremely useful herb and in its essential oil form will quickly stem bleeding, speed healing with minimal or no scarring
Essential Animals Nayana says “Essential oils for animals is my passion. I love sharing my knowledge and experience of animal aromatherapy, and empowering you to care for your fur friends naturally.”
Holistic Vet, Nick Thompson specialist veterinary consultancy based in Bath, North Somerset. Offer homeopathy, acupuncture, nutritional advice and herbal medicine for horses, dogs and cats. Committed to providing a personal, comprehensive, professional holistic veterinary referral service to the public and to veterinary colleagues for equines and small animals in homeopathy, acupuncture, nutritional and herbal medicine.
Zoopharmacognosy: how self-healing animals could save humans Excellent article on animals’ innate ability to heal themselves
Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre, Chris Day Homeopathy – Acupuncture – Herbal Medicine – Holistic Vet – Natural Vet; based in Oxfordshire, will travel to clients
PNAS Article: Animals that self-medicate
Animal Self-Medication: Do Wild Animals Heal Themselves?
Applied Zoopharmacognosy Blog – Caroline Ingraham’s blog
Bitless Equestrian Centre pioneering a kinder, fairer way with horses where horses (& other animals) have access to a ‘herb bar’ for self-selection of (& self-medication by eating) healing dried herbs as well as regular Applied Zoopharmacognosy sessions. Natural livery vacancies sometimes available. Other therapies available at the Centre include Reiki, Bach Flower remedies, Body Mirror System of Healing, Equine Natural Medicine, Bowen. Bitless Equestrian Centre (SA48 8RA) is near Lampeter in west Wales, UK
Some background to the science of Zoopharmacognosy – how animals heal themselves
Excellent article highlighting the nonsense of giving bute to take away pain (which is nature’s way of stopping the animal from moving too much), then confining horse to stable to stop it moving!!
YouTube – Ingraham Applied Zoopharmacognosy Some amazing videos showing Applied Zoopharmacognosy in action, including a baby elephant at the Sheldrick Trust in Kenya and a very aggressive ram. Other videos showing horses, dogs, cats etc – applied zoopharmacognosy is suitable for all animals
British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons Find a homeopathic vet near you
Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturists Find a veterinary acupuncturist in your area
British Association of Veterinary Herbalists representing vets who use herbs to treat animals. Find a vet nearby who offers herbal options
The Alternative Horse Society Directory of therapies & therapists in UK
International Alliance for Animal Therapy & Healing is dedicated to the advancement and awareness of healing and health options for animals. List of therapies & practitioners (mostly USA)